Pop ROCKS has headlined all over the midwest United States including: Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth (TWICE), Oktoberfest in LaCrosse, R.A.G.B.R.I in Iowa (TWICE), Canadian Bass Fishing Championships (THREE TIMES). The group also regularly flies out to play special events all over the continental United States and South America including Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Panama City, Panama.
More importantly, the group is honored and humbled to be able to travel multiple times a year to play for the troops on USO tours all over the Middle East and Europe including destinations such as Kuwait, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Paris, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.
There is NOTHING out there like this group, the show has 40+ costume changes, every genre of hit music, special effects, high energy and passionate members, and interactive performances that get the entire crowd involved! Come have fun with us!!!